Fees, of course, depend on the job to be performed and travel distance. I hesitate to publish fees as no one else does. If they seem high, I can guarantee that my fees are on the lower end of what is commonly charged for similar services. And I guarantee the highest quality work. I want to be proud of your woods when I'm done.
For timber sales, I normally function much like a real estate agent, and usually receive 12% of the timber sale revenue. There is a minimum charge of $1,000. This is in return for providing the services listed under the Timber Sales tab. If you are interested in a timber sale, be sure to read that section.
For a variety of reasons, I can almost always generate more money from your timber than if you sold it yourself. This more than offsets the commission. Not only will I make you more money, what price can you put on stress? My handling your sale will shift the burden from you to me.
General fees adhere to the following schedule:
- For work other than timber sales, my general rate is $50 per hour or $400 per eight hour day. Based on circumstances, this may be billable in half day increments. There is a minimum charge of $200. Travel time, computed from my office in Shelbyville, is billed as part of the costs. Compare my hourly rate to what you pay your plumber, electrician, or most any other trade person, and you will find it to be a bargain for a highly trained, experienced, university-educated professional.
- For initial timber assessments, a Reconnaissance Fee may be charged, depending on distance, work required, and/or landowners's interest/intent. Reconnaissance Fees are based on my hourly rate specified above and will be deducted from the commission if you contract with me to sell your timber on commission.
- Overnight travel, as may be required, is billed at actual cost of food and lodging. In situations where mileage is to be charged as an expense, it will be billed at the current applicable rate published by the U. S. Government.
Services may also be contracted by the job. |

Bluegrass Consulting Forestry 3123 Bluegrass Drive Shelbyville, Kentucky 40065 Phone: 502-633-7399 Cell Phone: 502-552-8176 Email: caryperkins@bellsouth.net |