I believe that any time you
consider hiring someone to represent you, you want to know their credentials. Please consider mine:
- B.S. in Forestry
and Wildlife Management from Virginia Tech. In addition to being a
professional forester, I am a graduate wildlife biologist.
- Over 30 years of
forestry experience with the Kentucky Division of Forestry. The last 21
years were spent as Chief of Forest Management in the state office in
Frankfort. This position included development and management of the
state's landowner forest management assistance program, including Forest
Stewardship. At any one time in this position, I indirectly supervised and
evaluated the work of as many as 45 professional foresters. Also
interviewed and made recommendation for hiring most of the professional
foresters hired by the Division during that period.
- For 15 years in the state
office, managed the Division of Forestry's State Forest program until that
was made into a separate position. Part of the duties of this position was
responsibility for all timber sales on over 30,000 acres of forestland
owned by the Division of Forestry.
- Co-Author of the Kentucky
forestry best management practices (BMPs) for water quality. Now
incorporated into Kentucky law, these are required to be followed during
all woodland activities. The Manual and the Field Guide may be viewed on
the Web by going to:
- Retired member of the Kentucky Chapter of the
Association of Consulting Foresters (KACF). Treasurer of the Kentucky Chapter,
- Chairman, the
Kentucky Tree Farm Committee, 2010-2011, Vice Chairman, 2009, and
Co-Chairman, 1988 to 2000. Chairman of the 1999 National Tree Farm
Convention which was hosted in Louisville.
- Chairman, Southern Forest
Management Chiefs, 1985 and 1998.
- Speaker and
panelist for the Kentucky Governor's Conference on the Environment, 1994,
1989, 1988, 1986, 1980.
- Honored at the
Kentucky Governor's Mansion as one of the Outstanding Employees in the
Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Cabinet, 1992.
- Developed the
Kentucky Forest Stewardship Program which was honored as the Outstanding
Forest Stewardship Program in the United States by the National Woodland
Owners Association, 1993.
- Served on the
staff of the Kentucky Agricultural Water Quality Authority, 1994-1999. The
Forestry Water Quality Plan portion of this, co-written by me, may be
viewed on the web at: http://www.ca.uky.edu/agc/PUBS/for/for96/for96.htm
- Member of the Derby City
Branch of the Quality Deer Management Association (QDMA).

Bluegrass Consulting Forestry 3123 Bluegrass Drive Shelbyville, Kentucky 40065 Phone: 502-633-7399 Cell Phone: 502-552-8176 Email: caryperkins@bellsouth.net
